

Curcuma (Curcuma Roxb xanthorrhiza) are native to Indonesia that contain essential oils that curcuminoid and efficacious to maintain the health of various diseases. Ginger rhizome is contained in West Java, more commonly known as the "big saffron" is much more efficacious compared to ginseng.

Efficacy of ginger more than ginseng. Wild Ginger has more than 100 components, while ginseng is limited. Ginger contains active compounds curcuminoid and several components including essential oils. Curcuminoid functions as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihepatotoksik (anti-liver), anti cholesterol, anti-cancer and anti-platelet aggregation (blood clotting that can lead to stroke). While one of the components that contain essential oils, which xanthorrhizol anti-cancer, especially breast cancer.

Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin (a compound in curcuminoid) may also increase body resistance against diseases. "Compared with ginseng, ginger in a lot more components.
The results prove the ginger does not have side effects such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory chemicals that cost much more. Regular consumption of ginger, also can thin the blood, so good for stroke prevention, ginger can also boost immunity.
Ginger juice

For direct use Wild, drink ginger juice made by boiling or by adding honey, lemon juice or sour. The recommended dose is 2 grams of ginger, though the use of up to 6 grams can still be tolerated.

If ginger drink traditionally, the population will be healthier thereby increasing productivity. Ginger welfare of farmers will also be better because of more demand and more.
Compared with other medicinal plants, research on the benefits of ginger a lot done. The existence of scientific evidence is expected to increase public acceptance of traditional medicines.

7 Benefits of ginger

1. Increasing appetite
2. Improve digestive function
3. Reduce joint pain and bone
4.Maintain a healthy liver function
5. Reduce levels of fat in the blood
6. As an antioxidant
7. Helps maintain health and prevent blood clots