Bétel rouge
Le bétel rouge ou dans la langue scientifique le Joueur de cornemuse de Crocatum est un type d'usine qui est un joueur de cornemuse betle les congés de Bétel, comme le vin avec une forme rouge du cœur vit d'habitude dans les pays montagneux, est tout à fait facile de planter le bétel rouge, juste le mettre dans les mass-média et placé dans l'environnement moite et non exposé pour diriger le soleil, si le bétel rouge plantait dans les régions qui ont des hauts niveaux de chaleur ou ordonnent que la lumière du soleil sur les troncs de...
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Le thé contient l'environ moitié de la caféine de café. Si quelqu'un qui est sensible à la caféine peut connaître des symptômes - comme les symptômes, la nervosité, l'irritabilité, les problèmes de sommeil, les tremblements, les palpitations - le battement, la perte d'appétit, douleur abdominale, nausée, urination fréquent et rougeurs - d...
Dix Nourritures qui sont bonnes pour le cerveau
Dix Nourritures qui sont bonnes pour le cerveau
Nous avons tous entendu dire que "vous êtes que vous mangez" ou "vous êtes que vous mangez". Les nourritures qui sont nutritives et équilibré évidemment bon pour nos corps, surtout pour les parties les plus importantes de notre corps, à savoir le cerveau. Voici une liste de 10 nourritures qui sont prouvées améliorer la santé générale du cerveau.
1. Huître / Palourde
Si vous êtes un hobby de fruits de mer, évidemment vous aimez manger des huîtres. Une étude a montré que les huîtres sont très favorables...
Ten Foods that are good for the brain
We've all heard "you are what you eat" or "you are what you eat". Foods that are nutritious and balanced of course good for our bodies, especially for the most important parts of our body, namely the brain. Here is a list of 10 foods that are proven to improve overall brain health.
1.Oyster / Clam
If you are a hobby of seafood, of course you like to eat oysters. A study has shown that oysters are very beneficial for your brain. Oysters are rich in minerals zinc and iron, which is very helpful in keeping the memory remained sharp and improve the...
The tea contains about half the caffeine of coffee. If someone who is sensitive to caffeine may experience symptoms - like symptoms, restlessness, irritability, sleep problems, tremors, palpitations - pounding, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, frequent urination, and rash - a rash on the skin.
Patients with gastric
Tea is also bad for people with sensitive stomachs. Generally the complaint after the caffeine is stomach problems. Tea is a powerful stimulant of gastric acid, and this can be reduced by adding milk and sugar.
Red betel
Red betel
Red betel or in scientific language Crocatum Piper is one type of plant which is a piper betle Betel leaves, such as wine with a red heart shape usually live in the highlands, is quite easy to plant betel red, just to put it in the media and placed in the environment moist and not exposed to direct sun, if the red betel planted in areas that have high levels of heat or direct sunlight on the trunks of red dye dries quickly and will be contained in the red betel leaves will slowly fade away.
Red betel nut is widely used by Indonesian people, particularly...
Jet lag
Jet lag
Jet lag is usually associated with symptoms after traveling on a long flight. However, if these symptoms are present after the flight is not far away, to consider other causes, such as electromagnetic radiation. There is the possibility of jet lag also occurs after the use of electronic equipment, cooking with microwave ovens, to communicate using cell phones in a long time.
Jet lag is the time of the discomfort of air travel that long and is considered as fatigue, disorientation, decreased concentration, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), and anxiety....
Jasmine is one of the flowers are very fragrant. Many of us look at the page or even used as a fence - the fence of the house. There are many benefits of jasmine flowers. Plants that have a Latin name or jasmine Jasminum Sambac also sometimes called can help efficacious cure shortness of breath, headache, eye pain, fever, swollen from bee stings and even breast milk can also help control excessive frequently out.
Jasmine (Jasminum sambac), including plants that have many benefits. Small flowers are white and fragrant, often used for various needs....
To create a healthy environment is to meet the needs of clean water, good sanitation, and waste management are daily produced by the society and the disposal of waste water directly flowing saliuran / river. This causes pandangkalan channels / rivers, blocking the channel / river because of garbage. In the rainy season is always flooding and cause disease. Some diseases are caused by poor sanitation and environmental health and waste disposal and waste water are less well are: diarrhea, dengue fever, dysentery, hepatitis A, cholera, Thipus, worms,...
Dragon fruit, including types of super-red, is the group or Cactaceae cactus family (subfamily Hylocereanea). This includes the genus Hylocereus fruits of some species, among which are the usual dragon fruit is cultivated, high commercial value. In full, dragon fruit classification is presented as follows.
Division Spermatophyta (seed plants) subdivisions Agiospermae (seeds enclosed) Class Dicotyledonae (two pieces) Order Cactales Famil Cactaceaesubfamily HylocereaneaGenus HylocereusSpecies Hylocereus undatus (white meat)
Hylocereus ...
Exercise makes the blood circulation smoothly, burn fat and calories, and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and obesity, new research suggests some of the other benefits of exercise. Exercise at least 10 minutes every day to make the mind more clearly mentally healthy, reduced stress and lead to feelings of happiness.
five benefits of exercise on the brain:
1. Improving the ability of the brain
regular physical exercise can improve the health of concentration, creativity, and mental. Because exercise can...
Curcuma (Curcuma Roxb xanthorrhiza) are native to Indonesia that contain essential oils that curcuminoid and efficacious to maintain the health of various diseases. Ginger rhizome is contained in West Java, more commonly known as the "big saffron" is much more efficacious compared to ginseng.
Efficacy of ginger more than ginseng. Wild Ginger has more than 100 components, while ginseng is limited. Ginger contains active compounds curcuminoid and several components including essential oils. Curcuminoid functions as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,...
Digital Lifestyle
Digital Lifestyle
Digital Lifestyle is a term describing the phenomenon today, namely as a lifestyle revolution (even a culture of life) due to the development of information and communications technology increasingly pesat.Dengan using digital equipment, the work can be done more efficiently in terms of cost savings and also time, can be more effective because the purpose of the work can be done faster than ever before.
Experts say that the main purpose of the digital lifestyle is the optimization of productivity using a variety of information and communication...
Tips on making herbal ingredients for toddlers
traditional herb skin
Toddlers often experience pain because his body is still vulnerable to disease attack. To the best cure is through natural means. Here are some herbs for toddlers:
Young Coconut Water & CoffeeCan be used to cure diarrhea and vomiting because of the young coconut water contains many minerals potassium, which many came out when the child vomits. Dose is a measure not, it's up to you. Mixed with a little coffee (tip of a spoon only).
Lime For liquefaction of sputum and cough for children....
Traditional herb skin wrinkles
traditional herb skin
The days are now many products that offer and the state is able to eliminate wrinkles. But the fact is a traditional herb is also capable of doing the same in addition to safe and without side effects and is also easy to be simple in manufacture.
HoneyHoney is believed to be capable of removing wrinkles, can be in a drugstore, a pharmacy or a mini market. It is very easy, wash your face first with warm water and dab a little honey to your face and let sit for 20-30 minutes then rinse your face with warm water again and refreshed with ice...
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