Honey is believed to be capable of removing wrinkles, can be in a drugstore, a pharmacy or a mini market. It is very easy, wash your face first with warm water and dab a little honey to your face and let sit for 20-30 minutes then rinse your face with warm water again and refreshed with ice cubes, make sure to wash all parts in the honey basting.Banana
Banana is the most effective natural ingredients and easy to make anti-wrinkle face cream. The way one or two bananas mashed to pieces and soft as cream, apply to all surface of the face leave on for about 30 minutes then wash with warm water, pat your skin should never rub until dry.Coconut oil
Coconut oil can lift a dry skin that cause wrinkles, just by applying warm coconut oil to other parts of the face, do this activity anytime you need to keep your facial skin firmness.Pineapple
Pineapple is a fruit that contains lots of vitamin C but also very effective to remove wrinkles on the face. The trick dab of pineapple fruit flesh of the face that problem, for example around the eyes and mouth and others. Leave the dried pineapple liquid for 20 minutes then wash with warm or cold water.Olive oil
Olive oil can help moisturize the skin. Rich in vitamin C, D, and E, antioxidants and iron that are useful for skin regeneration. While the lemon makes the skin more bright and radiant, if they join can help reduce wrinkles, add oatmeal to overcome the dull face and the egg whites to tighten facial skin.Method: 1 tablespoon olive oil, squeeze lemon juice, half a cup of instant oatmeal that has been cooked (cold), and egg white. Combine ingredients are prepared and then apply on face and neck evenly leave for 15 to 30 minutes, rinse with warm water, followed by applying a facial moisturizer suitable condition as usual.