

To create a healthy environment is to meet the needs of clean water, good sanitation, and waste management are daily produced by the society and the disposal of waste water directly flowing saliuran / river. This causes pandangkalan channels / rivers, blocking the channel / river because of garbage. In the rainy season is always flooding and cause disease. Some diseases are caused by poor sanitation and environmental health and waste disposal and waste water are less well are: diarrhea, dengue fever, dysentery, hepatitis A, cholera, Thipus, worms, and Malaria

Not likely to happen to most of our rural communities, that we have to be healthy and clean latrines, most of them use the toilet for the purpose or use public toilets. From the above explanation can already known illnesses resulting from the toilets is not healthy. Toilet itself is a container where human waste is intentionally made to secure it, in order:
  • Preventing the spread of direct material that is harmful to humans because human  waste disposal.
  • Preventing the spread of disease vectors for the wearer and the environment.

Flies that settle on the surface of the waste and waste water or dirt entering the sewer rat may carry a number of disease-causing germs. if it flies or mice were then touching food or drink large kemungkinanya people who ingest food or beverages may be suffering from one of the diseases as mentioned above. Similarly, with small children who play or adults who work nearby or have direct contact with wastewater and waste can be exposed to diseases such as those mentioned above, especially if it is not clear limbs first. Wastewater can be grouped into two parts, namely:
  • Shipment of household waste, water marks from the floor of the tub or sink or  appliances, clothes washing floors and bathrooms, Mud feces from the toilet or water closet (WC).
  • Industrial waste.

Septic tanks or wastewater treatment unit required to treat their wastewater before being discharged into a centralized body of water. In addition, to prevent pollution of both chemical and biological pollution, wastewater treatment intended to reduce the burden of pollution or contaminants so that describe the requirements of quality standards when discharged into receiving water bodies. Rubbish and waste water containing various elements such as dissolved gases, dissolved solids zatzat, oils and fats as well as microorganisms. Microorganisms contained in waste and wastewater can be either disease-causing organisms and decomposers. Waste and garbage into the open channel that causes a blockage and the emergence of a pool will accelerate the proliferation of microorganisms or germs that cause disease, insect and mammalian disease agents such as flies and mice.

Body of water such as rivers or the sea has the capacity of the particular decomposition. When the sewage go directly to the body of water without any treatment, then one day it may lead to environmental pollution. Pollution occurs when the decomposition of waste in the water which exceeds the capacity of water is no longer able to perform processing or decompose naturally. This condition is called septic or polluted condition that is characterized by:
  • the appearance of stench
  • Water color becomes dark and dense
  • The number of fish and other aquatic organisms die.