Jet lag is usually associated with symptoms after traveling on a long flight. However, if these symptoms are present after the flight is not far away, to consider other causes, such as electromagnetic radiation. There is the possibility of jet lag also occurs after the use of electronic equipment, cooking with microwave ovens, to communicate using cell phones in a long time.
Jet lag is the time of the discomfort of air travel that long and is considered as fatigue, disorientation, decreased concentration, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), and anxiety. Other possible symptoms include loss of appetite (anorexia), weakness, headache, dizziness, blurred vision. This disorder is an overview of long-haul flights that pass through time zones, causing the rhythm of daily activity becomes chaotic.
Factors that may affect the incidence of jet lag can be both individual factors, common factors, and factors - certain factors.
- Individual factors, such as: age, general health condition, tolerance to change, readiness to travel long distances and mental-emotional state.
- Common factors, for example: noise, vibration, humidity and sitting position did not change constantly, can affect the onset of jet lag.
- Particular factor is the length of the arrival, aviation and climate change their destination or culture, can affect the jet lag. This problem is more pronounced when there is stress prior to travel, rush in upon departure, less sleep during the trip, mostly alcoholic beverages and smoking.
A study done for the people who live under the Air Line Extra High Voltage (SUTET) 500 kV, to obtain the result that the population is also experiencing the same set of complaints experienced by someone who had just done a long flight (jet lag). One estimate, due to decreased levels of the hormone melatonin, which is caused by electromagnetic radiation.